Architecture and Design Magazines

KB Youth Step
Space, ㈜ CNB미디어
Seoul Ujang Elementary Reading Space and History Wall
2018 KICA Invited International Exhibition Imagination and Culture Space, 한국문화공간건축학회
Shinjung Girl's Commercial High School Bartender Room
KIID 2018 International Invitation Exhibition, 한국 실내디자인학회
Myeondong Elementary School Renovation
100 Architects of the year 2018, 한국건축가협회
ASTG Office Building & Factory
Architecture & Culture, A&C Publishing
Yongsan Park Peripheral Masterplan
Architecture & Culture, A&C Publishing
Anamdong Community Center
Architecture & Culture, A&C Publishing
Housing Development near Han River
Architecture & Culture, A&C Publishing
Taean Library
Architecture & Design Competition, A&C Publishing
Taean Library
Concept, CA Press
SMTOWN@coexartium Façade
Concept, CA Press
SM타운 코엑스아티움
POPSign, Vol 263,㈜ 팝사인
DMZ 평화공간계획 : War(Wall) is over: Redefine Line, Wall
Concept, Vol 184, CA Press
Seoul NPO Center
MARU, Vol 151, CA Press
Small Houses in Yangpyung
Architecture & Culture, A&C Publishing
소형주택의 한계를 넘은 양평 작은집
전원속의 내집, Vol 180, ㈜주택문화사
실용적이고 가족친화적인 아파트
Living Sense, 서울문화사